Friday, April 24, 2009

This a lil too much!!!

First I would like to apologize for the lack of video blogs...My video camera is suffering from minor technical difficulties. Anyways to the business @ hand..

The fusion between snow gear and fashion has become a hot commodity, having already seen a Thom Browne for Moncler and Isaora collection, both adding elements of snow gear into a high end lineup. Taking that mentality and flipping it around, French snow apparel brand Pyrenex adds a bit of the fashionista culture into a couple of upcoming Fall/Winter pieces designed by Alexis Mabille. Both the vest and down jacket could be considered unconventional as far as performance gear is concerned, but its definitely an appreciated look considering top retailers including Opening Ceremony, Hôtel Particulier, Joyce, and United Arrows will be carrying the line this upcoming season. Stay tuned.


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