Friday, January 1, 2010

It's New Years Eve..

As I pack my bags to head to the Nations Capital with my twin, and my brothers to bring in the New Year drunk and loud!!!! wondered what my resolution would be...last years resolution didn't made it out of the this year i'm just asking God for health, wisdom and prosperity in the are some more New Years Resolution....



1. Get Fit

This resolution can be combined with losing weight, or it could stand on its own. Many people maintain a healthy weight, but want to go to the next step.

This could be a goal of working out regularly, or maybe even running a marathon.

2. Manage Debt

In the aftermath of this year's financial storm, many are facing debt that they want to get rid of.

By cutting back and spending more wisely, debt can be reduced, but the task can seem daunting.

3. Save Money

Many of those who were able to avoid debt in 2009 did so by dipping into savings or barely scraping by.

For 2010, their goal may be to build their savings back up, or begin to put some money aside.

4. Get a Better Job

The economic crisis meant many had to settle for jobs they were overqualified to do, just to have some form of income.

This year, they might want to get out there and look for a better job. While unemployment still remains at high levels, President Obama's commitment to creating new jobs should give those looking for better work some hope.

5. Get a Better Education

One of the few positives that came from the economic crisis was the opportunity for many to go back to school.

Faced with sudden unemployment and few options for jobs, people took out student loans and went back to school to further their education or study a new field.

6. Drink Less Alcohol

The health benefits of wine continue to be debated in the medical world, but many agree that too much of a good thing is bad when it comes to alcohol.

Health risks, the danger of drinking and driving, and the possibility for embarrassment are all side effects of heavy alcohol use.

7. Quit Smoking Now

While it may not be the most effective method of quitting, many decide to make New Year's Day the day that they stop smoking.

"Cold turkey" doesn't always work, so maybe the proper resolution would be to quit smoking before the year's end, through a gradual method.

8. Reduce Stress

2009 was a stressful year for many. Stress can affect jobs, relationships, and health, so this is a resolution that can be beneficial for all.

9. Take a Trip

Whether it's to escape the stress of life, visit family, or go somewhere they've never been, many hope to do some form of travel in the new year.

Last year was great for travel as airlines lowered prices to keep customers on their planes, and this year will probably be more of the same.

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