Thursday, May 7, 2009

I would like to apologize for my slacking on the blogs....if you are a college student taking finals I'm sure you understand...
Now that school is over I took some time to catch up....I was on bossip earlier and this is the article that raised my eyebrow!!! Very very very disturbing...smh...check it out!

No, though it’s understandable why some folks might think so. Per the online buzz of the past 24 hours, if you type into a Web browser, you wind up on a site that looks exactly like Facebook — in fact, it is Facebook — except the browser title reads: “Welcome to Niggabook!”

It’s disconcerting, not to mention just a wee bit offensive.

In spite of appearances, however, isn’t some covert, backdoor version of Facebook, nor, strictly speaking, does the URL actually redirect users to Rather, its owner (whose name we know, by the way, and it isn’t Mark Zuckerberg) has used simple HTML to partition the page into two frames: a top frame completely devoid of content except for the “Welcome to Niggabook!” header, and a bottom frame displaying as its content.

So, once you’re on and viewing Facebook inside its frame, the offending browser title remains in place no matter where you click within Facebook itself.

(Security Note: While I saw no evidence that the site downloads malware or phishes for passwords, for safety’s sake I don’t recommend signing onto Facebook while viewing the hijacked version of the site. To access Facebook securely, use your regular bookmarks or type “” into the address bar and press Enter.)

According to the public WHOIS listing for the domain, is owned by one Randall Mantilia Jr. of Middletown, Connecticut.

Mr. Mantilia has got some explaining to do.

I think this guy or somebody needs to get his a** whooped but that's just my


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